Obtaining tax numbers

For foreign companies and individuals

If you are a foreign company looking to establish yourself in the Slovenian market or an individual in need of a tax number for various purposes, we are here to make the process easier for you. Our team of experts will provide you with a fast and hassle-free solution, all handled via email, allowing you to focus on your business goals while we take care of all the formalities.

What do we offer?

Speed and Convenience

The process of obtaining a tax number is straightforward, and best of all, we handle everything via email. This means you can concentrate on your business while we handle the formalities.


Our team of experts is well-versed in the legislation and regulations regarding tax numbers in Slovenia and will provide you with precise and reliable guidance.

Customized Solutions

We understand that the needs of every company and individual are unique. Therefore, we will make an effort to provide you with a tailored solution that meets your requirements.

Support Throughout the Process

Whether you are a foreign company relocating to Slovenia or an individual in need of a tax number, we will be with you from start to finish, providing the necessary support.
  • 064 299 007

FREE consultation

Would you like a free consultation? Call us today, and we will find a solution for you

Contact us

Obtaining a tax number in Slovenia couldn't be easier. For more information and to start the process, contact us today.
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