Virtual office

A Simple and Reliable Process

Renting a virtual office is an easy and cost-effective solution for entrepreneurs who do not wish to or cannot have their company's registered office at their home address, and purchasing or renting office space does not seem practical to them.

The virtual office includes registering your company's seat at our address in Ljubljana!

Why Choose Loks for Your Virtual Office?

  • Our offering is affordable – virtual office rental starts at just €16 per month.
  • We are located in a convenient location in a business building with parking in Ljubljana
  • We receive and sort your mail every day.
  • Weekly notifications about received mail can be sent to your email or via phone.
  • We send your received invoices in XML/QR format for quick payment.
  • 064 299 007

FREE consultation

Želite brezplačen posvet? Pokličite nas še danes in našli bomo rešitev za vas.


  • 2-year lease starting at €384 (€16/month)
  • Monthly rental €24.90
  • Skeniranje do 50kom = 59,90€
  • Arrival at Ajpes in Ljubljana - free of charge
  • Arrival at spot points, verification of the statement at the municipality, verification of the statement at the notary - €40 (Municipality of Ljubljana)
  • Outside the Municipality of Ljubljana - a flat fee of €40 + travel expenses

Contact us

Our virtual office allows you to focus on the development of your business while we take care of administrative tasks and provide support. Start doing business in Slovenia without unnecessary worries.
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